The Heavens Declare

I'm sure you are like so many others, including myself. Seeing the Northern Lights is something you only dream about seeing. Living in the USA most of my life, I always heard about them and how the lights seem to dance across the night sky, and somehow there is music that you hear as you gaze upon them. Since moving to Scotland in 2016, I have been chasing these lights, thankfully they come to me now. Sitting in my living room, I received a call from my hubby who was in America at the time, He said, "Go outside, you will probably see the Northern Lights" With excitement in my heart, there was a moment of sadness as well, we have been chasing these lights together. Gettin into the car late at night and riding up the road to the dark sky park. Sitting for hours in the cold night, warming each others hands or standing in the front garden of our home together, freezing, only to have my daughter bring us hot tea to hold to warm our hands and body with. Yet here I was experiencing this beautiful moment without him. God brought the lights to me in a very hard time in our lives, He never fails to remind me that he is here and he is with me, no matter the circumstances. We were 9 days past my father in laws passing and my children and I were not able to go to the funeral. For the first time in my life, I truly felt like I could not be there for my husband during a time where he truly needed me. I had no choice but to stay home in Scotland and He flew to America alone, to face this hardship all alone. My heart was broken and there were times where I wondered if God was even seeing my hurt. I felt selfish, it was my husbands father, yet I was hurting and no one was seeing my pain. I was grieving and no one seemed to be bothered. I felt totally alone, and then this happened, God said, "I see you girl!" We call this a God wink, He sees me and just winks at me to let me know, he understands it all. He brought this beautiful work of art to my back garden, what more could I ask for?

Honestly looking across the sky you don't see this exact photo, the camera captures light and color that our human eye cannot see, yet there is a feeling of excitement and energy in the air. The sky looks different and you can feel the movement of the lights. When I stood outside in the freezing cold, I felt a bit energized and excited at what I might capture, and I wasn't disappointed.

The longer I stood outside the colder I got, my fingers were numb and I couldn't feel the camera capture button. I stood there with the stars twinkling above my head and the light shifting in the night sky and all I could think was, what a mighty God we serve. He is seen in every moment of life, and in these moments, the calmness, the quietness and the coldness, exemplifies the greatness of Almighty God. Do you know him? Have you ever experienced the Greatness of our God?

"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork." Psalms 19:1

Check out the rest of my northern light photos from December 2023 and May 2024, they are amazingly different and they are gorgeous.. check them out in the Amazing Landscape Album tagged Northern Lights